Three Tips to Get Back Into A Fitness Routine After Having A Baby

Did you know you can get back into a fitness routine and be in the best shape in under 30 minutes daily with barre workouts at home?! I did it after becoming a first-time mom, and you can too.

It took me 20 months to lose my pregnancy weight. My postpartum fitness journey was not about a “bounce back” but a comeback! My postpartum comeback was not about making dramatic changes to quickly look a certain way but about daily, sustainable choices that led to strong, vibrant health that, with time, led to a physical transformation. I was patient with my body. I focused on core recovery, moving pain-free, getting stronger, and nourishing my body. I worked out to have more energy and to improve my mood. I lost my pregnancy weight and got my muscle definition back while I enjoyed returning to a fitness routine post-baby.

I supported my postnatal body with barre workouts at home. Inspired by ballet and other disciplines like yoga and Pilates, barre workouts have become increasingly popular among prenatal and postnatal women because it is low-impact and highly modifiable. Below I share how barre supported me in my postnatal moment journey of getting back into a fitness routine, and why barre is ideal during the postpartum recovery stage.

My Top 3 Tips for Getting Back into a Fitness Routine: 

1. Start slow and be patient with your body

Avoid trying to lose weight quickly by restricting your calories, especially if you are trying to support milk production. Set sustainable goals that focus on rebuilding core strength and returning to favorite activities versus focusing on the number on the scale. During the first few weeks postpartum, you should focus on breathing exercises, pelvic floor activation, and short walks at an easy pace.

In addition to the initial focus on gentle recovery exercises, incorporating a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial, particularly for breastfeeding mothers. Nutrient-dense foods support milk production and provide the energy necessary for caring for a newborn and participating in physical activity. As your body begins to heal and you gradually return to more regular exercise routines, consider integrating a variety of workouts that include barre, strength training and cardiovascular exercises.

This holistic approach not only aids in physical recovery but also promotes mental well-being. Remember, the journey back to pre-pregnancy fitness levels is personal and varied for everyone. Emphasizing patience and self-care, rather than rapid weight loss, will lead to more sustainable health benefits and a greater sense of accomplishment. Celebrate small milestones along the way, and be kind to yourself, recognizing the remarkable journey your body has undergone.

2. Aim for daily movement and consistency

Once your doctor has cleared you for exercise, aim for daily movement. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises that “Women should develop an exercise program that leads to an eventual goal of at least 20-30 minutes/day of moderate intensity on most—if not all—days of the week.” 

Start with shorter Britsbarre Express classes and pair them with walking to support weight loss. Let go of the hour workout mentality and get consistent with short, effective workouts at home, and you’ll be amazed how your energy increases and mood lifts as you support your nervous system through movement.

Building a routine around daily movement doesn’t just pave the way for physical recovery and weight management; it also lays the foundation for long-term lifestyle changes that promote overall health and well-being. As you progress, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts can help prevent plateaus and maintain your motivation.

Additionally, incorporating variety in your exercise regimen—such as alternating between barre, Britsbarre strength training with heavier weights and Britsbarre stretch and mobility classes —can keep things interesting, enhancing your fitness journey and preventing boredom. Remember, the key to consistency lies in setting realistic expectations and finding joy in your fitness journey. Celebrate each day you move your body, recognizing that every bit of activity contributes to your postnatal recovery and health goals.

This mindset shift from viewing exercise as a chore to embracing it as a cherished part of your daily routine can significantly impact your success and the enjoyment of your postpartum fitness journey. With consistency, you’ll experience not just results you can feel but also results you can see.

3. Listen to your body

Avoid any movements that cause bulging or accidental leakage. Honor what your body needs daily and give yourself the grace to take it easy on tired days. I stay consistent with my home workouts by reminding myself that every workout does not have to be “all out.” I make modifications and listen to my body, but I still press play on an express class in the Britsbarre app!

Britsbarre classes are ideal for new moms because they are low impact, rebuild core strength, and focus on developing muscular endurance and definition. A strong, deep core can contribute to a leaner, flatter stomach, but the benefits are many: reduced low back pain, improved posture, improved pelvic floor function, and more strength and ease to move through your daily life!

Embracing this philosophy of listening to your body extends beyond just avoiding discomfort; it’s about understanding and responding to your body’s changing needs as you navigate the postnatal period. There will be days when you feel strong and energetic, ready to take on more challenging movements, and days when rest or gentle stretching is all your body can comfortably handle. This adaptive approach ensures that you are nurturing your body, providing it with the strength-building exercises it needs while also allowing for recovery and healing.

Engaging in Britsbarre classes offers the flexibility to adjust your workout intensity and make use of modifications tailored to your current state, making it an ideal choice for postnatal fitness. By focusing on your body’s signals and respecting its limits, you cultivate a healthier, more intuitive relationship with exercise, laying the groundwork for a sustained commitment to your well-being.

This balanced approach aids in physical recovery and supports emotional and mental health, reinforcing the importance of self-care during the transformative postnatal phase.

For more information on getting back into a fitness routine, postpartum fitness, and breastfeeding, tap here for my feature in Well + Good.

Barre exercise offers a comprehensive approach to fitness for women before, during, and after pregnancy. The combination of resistance training and low-impact movements, with the added benefits of stress reduction and community, make it a highly recommended option for mothers navigating this life stage’s physical and emotional challenges.

Join me for a complimentary week of barre classes, and experience the joy of movement in the postpartum journey and the stress relief we often need as new moms.

